Mountain 三国岳 大塚山経由、足の松尾根下山(飯豊山) 藤巻の集落にある、電波塔脇に停車し、ヤブの中を進む。途中、友人の荷物にネギを発見する、彼なりのユーモアなのだろう。大塚山まで二時間程、そこからアップダウンのある稜線を、疣岩山直下までいく。写真はないが、疣岩山直下は、高度差300ほどの急登で... 2020.03.30 Mountain
Mountain 西俣ノ峰-枯松峰-大ドミ (飯豊山) スクアッドメンバー 私、某Mt.K2の人、犬、 (副会長 ドタキャン) 7時半奥川入荘出発、宿の女将さんより、今日は風が強いから気をつけてと念を押される。 一時間ほどで、大曲り到達 ここまでほとんど雪なし。 そこから、二時間ほどで西... 2020.03.23 Mountain
Borderline Personality Disorder pwBPD really need treatment before aged Socioeconomic Factors Borderline pathology has been identified in all cultures and economic classes in the United State... 2020.03.19 Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder A Partner By Definition How can you manage your relationship with a person with borderline personality disorder (BPD)? Federico ... 2020.03.17 Borderline Personality Disorder
Mountain 日向倉山 (新潟県魚沼市) 関越自動車道を小出インターで降り、国道352号線を行くと、左手にシルバーライン入り口が現れる。 シルバーラインのトンネル途中に銀山平に出る出口がある。 よく見ないと見落とすような出口である。 トンネルを出てすぐ右手に開けた場所... 2020.03.16 Mountain
Borderline Personality Disorder I’m guessing BPD have Empathy ≒ Sympathy Does a person with bpd feel bad after hurting someone? This question previously had details. They are now in a comme... 2020.03.13 Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder A Fact after relationship went wrong with pwBPD How do I recover from a BPD relationship if there was no closure? This question previously had details. They are now... 2020.03.13 Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder Bogging down relationship BPD/NPD forever? Will manipulation and control be a pendulum between them? Lee Ritchie, Have studied BPD family ... 2020.03.13 Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder BPD and Narc Couple issues What is it like when a narcissist (him) and a borderline (me) are in a relationship? Could his narcissism exacerbate m... 2020.03.13 Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder Mechanism of relationship with BPD Why do so many untreated BPD/non relationships end on bad terms (often with no real need to be so)? AnswerFollow·17R... 2020.03.12 Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder BPD women is fictional character? What is the tendency of infidelity in the case of a BPD woman? Asbjorn Magnussen, DBT post grad. Answer... 2020.03.12 Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder For People who suffer from BPD and People who in recovering phase after relationship with Person with BPD Will someone with BPD hurt you? Aidan Parker, Borderline/Narcissist Abuse Survivor Updated May 3, 2018 ... 2020.03.11 Borderline Personality Disorder